China is one of the largest manufacturers and consumers of iron and steel products. The steel industry in China has developed over several decades into the biggest in the world. China accounts for nearly 50% of world steel production. It has been driven by rapid modernization of its economy, construction, infrastructure and manufacturing industries.
On 13 February 2009, the CDM Executive Board (CDM EB) adopted the procedures (the "Procedures") for modalities of communication (MoC) between project participants (PPs) in clean development mechanism (CDM) projects and the CDM EB, and a standardised MoC form (the "MoC Form").1 This Legal Alert gives an overview of the main elements of the Procedures and highlights certain insolvency issues related to the MoC.
China is one of the largest manufacturers and consumers of iron and steel products. The steel industry in China has developed over several decades into the biggest in the world. China accounts for nearly 50% of world steel production. It has been driven by rapid modernization of its economy, construction, infrastructure and manufacturing industries.